
the components of electronically Marketspace

the components of electronically Marketspace
    the components of electronically Market space -سوق التعليم المجاني قسم الربح من الانترنت-Electronic Market space- Market space -E commerce -Electronically Marketspace definition

    the components of electronically Market space -Electronic Market space- Market space -E commerce -Electronically Marketspace definition
    the components of electronically Market 

     electronically Marketspace definition:

    it is A marketplace in which sellers and buyers exchange goods and/or services for money (or for other goods and services)



    –Intermediary: A third party that operates between sellers and buyers.

    –Products and services

    –Support services


    –Networks, hardware, software

    مواضيع ذات صلة:

    @مرسلة بواسطة
    كاتب ومحرر اخبار اعمل في موقع سوق التعليم المجاني .

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